Funer serves  

 funeral directors  

We believe in



and ideas

Since 2006, Funer has helped more than a thousand funeral directors in Europe extend their services after the funeral. With innovative products and ideas, we want to make these services even better. At the same time, Funer helps the bereaved to find more space to deal with their feelings of losing a loved one. For this purpose, Funer offers publications targeting certain groups.

Care for

people's lives

for the bereaved

Losing a loved one and the deep feelings that accompany that loss are unavoidable in every human life. This applies to the elderly but also to young people. How we deal with that loss determines our happiness and the feelings that we carry with us for the rest of our lives. Funer therefore wants to make all the information and services relating to a loss accessible and available. Because it helps people and supports them in their further life and in their mental wellbeing.

“Funeral directors are very important to those who are confronted with a huge loss.”


helping the bereaved

Funeral directors are very important to those who are confronted with a huge loss. Their role in the process is crucial, as is their support in learning to deal with loss. Funeral directors must therefore be very versatile because their services cover a very wide area. With Funer, funeral directors can provide their clients with practical information and help them deal with loss.

“By integrating Funer's products and services into your service provision, you make your business visible far beyond the funeral.”



Funer stands for innovation in aftercare and wants to improve how the bereaved experience the quality of that care. With innovative products and services, we target funeral directors wishing to extend their services far beyond the funeral. The starting point here is that a small and unexpected gesture by the funeral director has great significance for the bereaved. By integrating Funer's services into your service provision, you make your business visible far beyond the funeral. Among the bereaved, but also among the people around them.